The author describes his childhood home and his first memory. In the story he discovers his parents for the first time and the house he grows up in. He tells of nature and the mystery of childhood.
Visual Associations: Home, House, Buildings, Television, Sun Sine, Soil, Bees, Trees, Flowers, Orange, Fruits, Airplanes, Cul-De-Sacs, Cars, Roots, Chickens, and Concrete.
2. Norman Ramsey Dies at 96
This article is about the life of Norman Ramsey and the work he did on the Atomic Clock. It describes his work in Science and his roll in the creation of the Atomic Clock. In addition to his work with time he also worked on the Manhattan Project. His work helped develop M.R.I.s used today.
Visual Associations: Science, Magnets, Atoms, Bombs, Laboratory, Death, Clock, Clock Hands, Grave Stone, Funeral, Wristwatch, and Electricity.
3.After a Bad Accident, Finding Resilience in Balloons
After loosing her leg in a car accident Ianthe Cupid learned to move beyond her disability and opened a balloon shop in New York City. While coping after her injury she visited St Vincent, where she was from, and rekindled an old flame of hers who she later married and had two children with. When her husband lost his job she found an alternative way to support her family and opened a small shop. Since then she is determined to prevent her finical situation affect her family.
Visual Associations: Wheel Chair, Car Accident, Hospital, Children, Balloons, Balloon Shop, Electric Scooter, Crutches, Money, Business Brief Case, Coins, Flowers, and Sullen Faces.
4. Free Signs for Panhandlers Receive Mixed Reaction
Three men Christopher Devine, James Griffith and David Rauen make laminated signs for homeless peoples in hopes that the bold signs will bring attention to their blight. The signs aren't with out controversy, some think it is silly to bring attention to a problem with out a real solution and even the homeless themselves are weary of accepting the signs.
Visual Associations: Homeless People, Rags, Dirt, Cardboard Signs, Helvetica, City Streets, Money, Cardboard Boxes, Milk Crates, and Rich Clothes/People.
5. Restored: Fading Account From the Heart of Africa
Livingstone was a scientist and a badass adventurer who wrote a diary on his adventures. Though the text in some of his writings are severely faded scientist today have found ways to restore them.
Visual Associations: SCIENCE, uh diaries, the nile, alligators, water, berries, writing instruments, etc.
5. Restored: Fading Account From the Heart of Africa
Livingstone was a scientist and a badass adventurer who wrote a diary on his adventures. Though the text in some of his writings are severely faded scientist today have found ways to restore them.
Visual Associations: SCIENCE, uh diaries, the nile, alligators, water, berries, writing instruments, etc.