wonder |ˈwəndər|nouna feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by somethingbeautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable : he had stood in front of it, observing the intricacy of the ironwork with the wonder of a child.• the quality of a person or thing that causes such a feeling : Athens was a place of wonder and beauty.• a strange or remarkable person, thing, or event : the electric trolley car was looked upon as the wonder of the age.• [as adj. ] having remarkable properties or abilities : a wonder drug.• [in sing. ] a surprising event or situation : it is a wonder that losses are not much greater.verb [ intrans. ]1 desire or be curious to know something : how many times have I written that, I wonder? | [with clause ] I can't help wondering how Stasia and Katie are feeling.• [with clause ] used to express a polite question or request : I wonder whether you have thought more about it?• feel doubt : I wonder about such a marriage.2 feel admiration and amazement; marvel : people stood by and wondered at such bravery | [as adj. ] ( wondering) a wondering look on her face.• be surprised : if I feel compassion for her, it is not to be wondered at.
One: The Golden Record
On the Voyager space crafts there is a record that contains the sounds of Earth life. It is intended to inform any future aliens of Human existence and the planet Earth. The idea that we sent out a record in with the slim hopes that some space alien somewhere will here this is one of the most wonderful wonders I can think of.